
Open source publisher for mac
Open source publisher for mac

open source publisher for mac

It was cool to see these questions appear throughout the programme, next to the always wide range of presentations of tools, technical details and various practices. Notes of that conversation can be found here. Different presentations, workshops and conversations touched upon these questions, such as Manufactura Independente’s thoughts about terminology, Livio Fania’s five profiles of users and their concerns, Larisa Blazic’s workshop around Bauhaus and Libre Graphics, Eylul Dogruel’s presentation on the open source tools that she uses in her photography classes, or the multiple strategies to introduce F/LOSS to students that were discussed during the 80column educators gathering initiated by ginger coons and Larisa Blazic. This edition presented a range of incisive questions around F/LOSS practices, regarding their vocabularies, (political) values and the need for advocacy or arguments to introduce F/LOSS practices in other environments. Passenger seat: never miss a moment to work! We borrowed a car from a friend (thanks Nicolas for the car!), had a last glass in a Supra Brussels café, went one-more-time to the toilet and zoefff, off we were, on the road to Saarbrücken, following the Belgium, French and German highways south/eastwards to this year’s LGM. In the end Stéphanie, Ludi, Pierre and I (Manetta) joined on the Friday and followed most of Saturday’s programme. Until the very last moment we weren’t sure if we could make it. It was a last minute decision to join this year’s LGM. Report written by our friend Manetta Berends from Varia

Open source publisher for mac