
Install commandlinetools
Install commandlinetools

install commandlinetools install commandlinetools

This is a Maven prerequisite, so before using Maven, first install a Java Development Kit (JDK) and configure the JAVA_HOME system variable. If you look at the console output generated from the mvn command-line tool, you will notice both the Java version and Java home directories are listed.

install commandlinetools

How to set M2_HOME and MAVEN_HOME system variables. Here's how the system variables and edited path look after you successfully configure and install Maven. In my personal development environments, I like to rename the Maven directory _maven, and when I install Maven on a Windows machine, I place that folder directly in the root of the C: drive. This makes the mvn command-line tool universally available to the OS. The root Maven directory contains a subfolder named \bin.The root Maven directory will contain a folder named \bin, which contains the pivotally important mvn command-line utility. Add system variables named MAVEN_HOME and M2_HOME, and point both of these variables to the root Maven directory.Unzip the Apache Maven download, and move the folder to a place on your computer where you keep all of your other DevOps tools.Download Maven binaries from the Apache website.At a high level, the steps to install Maven are: A Maven install is one of the easier software installations you can do.

Install commandlinetools